02 December 2006

G.I.F.T Challenge

The G.I.F.T. Challenge

Thank you ExLibris for clueing me in to another excellent challenge from Carl V. at Stainlesssteeldroppings. I have been thinking today precisely of this; how to share holiday excitement and fun with my sons this year. The challenge from Carl is to pick 4 of 6 of various Christmas memories, and 2 must be new to you, or something you haven't done in a while. Here are my choices:

  • Christmas movie: A Christmas Story, which I've never seen before.

  • Christmas short stories: O. Henry, The Gift of the Magi, which I'd like to read to the kids.

  • Christmas song: The eldest son has been learning some latin piece at school for their winter show; it sounds vaguely familar, so I'll try and figure out what it is and learn it too.

  • Christmas traditions: Baking! My younger son loves baking and I have never made cookies with him so I will plan to do this with him.

Stay tuned for an update as to how well we do with this challenge. For now, I'd better get my butt out of blogging mode - I just got a call that the in-laws are coming over and I haven't showered yet today!


Carl V. Anderson said...

You shower for the in-laws? ;)

Great ideas. Can't believe you've never seen A Christmas Story! I've watched it almost every year for a decade or more! I hope you enjoy it. Glad you're joining in.

Karen said...

The house from A Christmas Story just ooened to the public for tours in Cleveland, Eva! A man bought it and restored it! Think of that when you watch the movie... then take your boys on a road trip. :-)