31 October 2008


Thanks to Blogdesignblog I heard today on twitter about a neat concept proposed by fellow twitterer cwestbrook : How You Can Help End the Problem of Blogs With Great Content and No Readers. It seems like a complementary idea to crowdsourcing with a collective action twist; cwestbrook is looking to develop a horde of bloggers who will commit in serial fashion to reading a selected blog of the group's for two weeks, and then move on to another. This reminds me of crowdsourcing, but in a twisted way - perhaps it is sourcecrowding? Where instead of throwing a problem out to the receptive masses for a solution to be generated, the seeking masses go roving around looking for a place to contribute. Almost like following the grateful dead from venue to venue, but way more geeky, like halloween socks complete with red flashing lights.Share photos on twitter with Twitpic

cwestbrook describes the benefit of this best in his own words:
"Imagine how it would feel to have those numbers and those people looking at your blog after it’s been frustratingly quiet for months. It would be tremendous. That blogger would be permanently bolstered, and it would all be because of the strength of their content, and anything that allows bloggers that focus fully on content to succeed is great for the medium."
I'm optimistic enough with a positive perspective on human nature to think this would be great.

Round crowd image by alex itin.
But those feet are all mine.


Chuck said...

What a neat take on what it is that I'm trying to do, and really, you've perfectly described the germ of my idea.

I've read over 170 links back to my site, and I have to say this is the one that got me thinking more than any other.

Drop me an email so we can talk further?

-Chuck Westbrook